Letter from a Concerned Reader

I’ve been trying to think of a way to write this post for some time now. It’s been quite some time now (more on that later), and I wasn’t sure just how to go about connecting with you all again. Lo and behold, I received an opportunity to do so when a concerned reader took the choice out of my hands and sent me a letter.

The letter was hand-written in flowing cursive, and employed a style and diction that arrested my attention immediately. I mean, see for yourself – not really a letter you can just gloss over and toss back on the stack, is it? (Oh, and as per the readers instructions, you must read what follows “with a British accent”)…

Dear Martyn McGrath,

I come with deep concerns and glowing praises. I shall start with praises for your sake. Your books are tapestries woven intricately. They are tales of heroic feats and self denial. They have life & death, good & evil on a balance, equals. I have read the stories through and have come to the last page in sorrow. The quandary is that I have read them through twice and memorized the dedications and yet, the third book is not yet out. This causes grave consternation in my simple life. Please consider my concerns. Hoping this issue will be resolved shortly,

A concerned reader

A concerned reader, indeed. And with good cause – it has been some time.

Of course, the fault is all mine for this reader’s consternation and concerns. I take full blame. I could wax long and poetic on my reasons (excuses?) for not having completed Book III of Trials, but let’s not have any of that.

The simple truth is that I was hoping to have the third book and even the fourth out by now, but I have been unable to complete these works thus far. For a long time, things looked rather bleak, as I found it difficult to get the creative juices flowing and set aside the requisite time that “Spawn of the Betrayer” demanded.

But this letter must have jogged something loose, because lately, whenever I have a spare moment, I find myself back at my keyboard, intent on continuing to bring the Trials of the Hopebreather to my faithful, long-suffering readers.

So, to the concerned reader who cared enough to send me a letter and check in on me – thank you. You’ve been somewhat of a hopebreather to me, and you’ve breathed some fresh life into a now rejuvenated author.

Time for me to make like Aviriel – back to my Loom for the weaving of another tapestry! I hope that, when it arrives, it will be well-suited to your tastes and fit for your approval.

Glowing praises are optional, of course… but they are always welcome. 😉

About Admin

Martyn McGrath Posted on

I'm a lifelong fantasy fan with a couple of books under my belt as an author, and plans for many more. Hoping to give readers of all ages a fun romp through fantastical worlds!